Delegate Proposal - Juanbug, PGov

Identity and background

What is the delegate’s identity and background?

As a team of dedicated governance enthusiasts who have been in the crypto governance space for over two years now, we’re excited to officially get involved with the Jito ecosystem. Jito has a super unique position in Solana and we’re excited to grow with the ecosystem.

Originating from students at UPenn, we’re also delegates with various defi protocols such as Uniswap, Compound as well as larger chains as a whole such as Optimism and Arbitrum. Our primary goal is to use the knowledge we have learned in the past to help grow JITO and its community.

Has the delegate historically contributed to the Jito Network?

We learned of Jito early on and have been proud stakers to the Jito network for many months. From launch to airdrop to now, we’re excited to be active in Jito’s governance and promise to be good stewards of any delegation.

Has the delegate historically been involved in protocol governance?

We have been active delegates in Web3 for over 2 years now. Starting with Uniswap and Compound, we have expanded our delegation to many L1 protocols and L2 chains. Further, we recently set up a few validators including our Solana validator as we look to get more active in this ecosystem!

Candidate views

How should JitoSOL validator delegation balance performance (yield) versus decentralization goals?

Higher yields will attract and keep new stakeholders but might lack decentralization and so therefore a healthy blend of the two is appropriate when comparing. As a delegate, we will advocate for a balance between the two to reach a pareto efficient solution across the tradeoff.

What should be the priorities for JTO liquidity mining and DAO token grants?

The priorities should be pointed towards maximized returns for the DAO and have a heavy emphasis on attracting and keeping new liquidity staked. DAO token grants should focus on bettering security, scalability, and network wide integrations. Liquidity mining should focus more on the long term and attracting sticky liquidity. Overall, we want to ensure there will be enough tokens in a few years to ensure longevity of the protocol.

What are your goals for the DAO as a delegate?

Our goals for the DAO are to be an active community member who is willing to speak up against the status quo for concerning and malicious activities. We want to ensure transparency across the board as well as encouraging new and many voices to contribute to discussions. As the protocol grows, we anticipate the governance systems to follow suit, something we look forward to helping design and be a part of this in this growth stage.


Our Solana Delegation Address: 6t9JJnfNqXc1tFKLtXyQttiALHtE2GhQd19MSds1eFv9

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