JIP-6: Phased Deployment of Jito (Re)staking Protocol

Protocol Development

This Jito Improvement Proposal (JIP) will authorize the Jito DAO’s adoption of the Jito (Re)staking protocol. The adoption process will place Jito (Re)staking under the control of Jito DAO governance, including routing native protocol fees to the Jito DAO treasury, and will take place roughly over the course of two-to-three months depending on development and auditing timelines.

If approved, the Jito Foundation will transfer a deployed instance of the protocol to the Jito DAO in three phases: a Migration phase, which allows for users to migrate assets into Vault Restaking Token (VRT) vaults; a Staking phase, which enables Node Consensus Networks (NCNs) to launch with the majority of the protocol’s core functionalities; and a Slashing phase, which enables NCNs to activate slashing.

Governance permissions will allow the DAO to collect, control, and modify the protocol fees associated with withdrawals as well as rewards. The initial protocol fee for withdrawals from vaults will be set at 10bps and will go live concurrently with the Deposits phase. The initial protocol fee for rewards paid out by NCNs will be 4%, and will go live during the Staking phase.

The forthcoming Jito (Re)staking module has the potential to become a core part of the Jito Network’s functionality, enabling thousands of previously impossible use cases to propagate.

The proposed codebase for Jito (Re)staking has recently been made public and is currently being audited by 2 firms (Certora + Ottersec). Details regarding proposed Jito (Re)staking’s functionality can be found here.

The adoption of Jito (Re)staking through DAO governance, and its ongoing maintenance by the same, represents a critical step towards decentralization of the Jito ecosystem. Additionally, restaking creates a new avenue of utility for JitoSOL.

Ultimately, this proposal would transform the Jito DAO from being primarily focused on LST governance to instead being focused on the broader Jito Network – a collection of synergistic and interconnected protocols providing key Solana infrastructure and enabling the development of countless consumer- and enterprise-level tools and applications.

Key Terms:

  • Jito (Re)staking: A hybrid staking and restaking platform that allows networks to quickly establish economic security parameters for achieving consensus.
  • Node Consensus Network (NCN): A decentralized system of validators who provide consensus for on- or off-chain programs.
  • Protocol Fee: This proposal references two types of protocol fees: a percentage of the fees generated by the NCN that is directed to the DAO treasury, as well as a fee on vault withdrawals. Initially set at 10bps for vault withdrawals and 4% for NCN rewards.
  • Vault Receipt Token (VRT): A Vault Receipt Token is a token that represents a user’s migration into a staking or restaking vault, allowing for enhanced liquidity and composability of staked assets.
  • Node Operator: An infrastructure provider responsible for managing and operating nodes within a NCN, performing consensus operations.
  • Jito DAO: The decentralized autonomous organization governing smart contracts in the Jito ecosystem, including the restaking protocol.
  • Vault Program: One of the three programs that constitute Jito (Re)staking’s functionality. Manages the creation and operation of vault receipt tokens; handles minting, burning, and delegation of VRTs; and allows for customizable delegation strategies across multiple operators and NCNs.
  • Restaking Program: One of the three programs that constitute Jito (Re)staking’s functionality.
  • Slashing: Allows NCN developers to tailor the conditions under which economic security would be “slashed” from the node operators of their networks and determines where slashed assets are routed.

This proposal authorizes the Jito DAO’s adoption of a deployed instance of the Jito (Re)staking Protocol live on Solana mainnet and places the protocol’s governance under the control of the Jito DAO.

The launch of Jito (Re)staking will take place over the course of three phases, ideally over the course of a month depending on development and auditing timelines.

1. Deposits phase

The Deposits phase represents the launch of the Vault Program on Solana mainnet. The Vault Program oversees multiple functionalities in Jito (Re)staking, including: Manages the creation and operation of vault receipt tokens; handles minting, burning, and delegation of VRTs; and allows for customizable delegation strategies across multiple operators and NCNs.

From a practical perspective, many of these functionalities will be inoperable in the absence of the Restaking Program, which will go live in phase 2. However, users will be able to migrate assets to blockchain-based accounts at Vault Operators in order to build a base of security in preparation for Jito (Re)staking’s full launch.

Additionally, this phase would represent a new source of protocol-driven fees for the Jito DAO in the form of a 10bps withdrawal fee on assets users withdraw from vaults. This fee is identical to the JitoSOL unwrapping fee, and has not proven to be a barrier to the growth of the protocol in the case of JitoSOL.

The Vault Program is expected to be transferred to the Jito DAO after the passing of this proposal, subject to audit and other technical preconditions.

Phase 2: Staking Phase

The Staking phase represents Jito DAO’s adoption of the Restaking Program on Solana. The Restaking Program oversees multiple functionalities, including: the creation and management of NCNs and operators; coordinates the relationships between NCNs, operators, and vaults; implements flexible opt-in/opt-out mechanisms for NCNs, operators, and vaults; slashing; and governs the distribution of rewards.

With the Vault Program going live prior to the Restaking Program (assuming an approving Jito DAO vote), this launch would enable third-party NCNs to go-live with full Jito (Re)staking functionality, aside from slashing. Additionally, this phase would roughly coincide with the launch of the Jito Rewards NCN, which will be responsible for calculating and distributing rewards for NCNs that opt into its parameters. Upon launch, the Jito DAO will be able to modify fee parameters.

The Jito Rewards NCN will function by: taking a snapshot of a third-party’s NCN activity, determining a Merkle root for the rewards, coming to a consensus regarding the Merkle root, and distributing rewards to all component parties.

The Jito Rewards NCN will also route a portion of rewards to the Jito DAO treasury in the form of a 4% fee. Jito DAO will decide a portion of that fee to be directed to NCN participants with the balance allocated to the Jito DAO treasury.

The Staking phase is expected to launch a number of weeks following the Deposits phase, depending on development and audit timelines. The Jito Rewards NCN code will be made public prior to a DAO vote on launch.

Phase 3: Slashing Phase

The Slashing Phase represents the launch—and the Jito DAO’s adoption—of slashing functionality of the Restaking Program, assuming a favorable Jito DAO vote. The slashing functionality of the Restaking Program oversees slashing for NCNs, allowing NCNs to tailor the slashing specifications, amounts, and destination for slashed assets. Note: slashing on any NCN is always subject to approval by NOs and VRTs prior to any activation.

The launch of this phase, roughly estimated to be a matter of weeks to months after the launch of the Staking Phase, will mean that Jito (Re)staking has completed full and successful deployment.


  • Increased decentralization by placing control of a Jito ecosystem product under the Jito DAO.
  • Sustainable funding for the Jito DAO treasury via protocol fees.
  • Flexibility to adjust fees based on the needs of the community.


  • Smart contract and brand risk associated with a potential exploit.
  • Mismanagement of fees could impact Jito (Re)staking product adoption.
  • Lack of DAO activity/coordination could result in stale features, including fees.

The successful deployment of this JIP will result in the Jito DAO’s adoption of the to-be-launched Jito (Re)staking protocol over the course of three phases, ultimately placing governance of the protocol under the control of the DAO and providing two new forms of fees for the treasury in the form of a withdrawal fee and a rewards fee.

Cost Summary:
There are no direct costs to the DAO associated with this proposal.


I’m in support of this proposal.

The phased rollout makes sense for smooth operational transitions. However, given that the audits are not publicly available, can the DAO confirm the vault program, and its respective parts, have been deemed safe, or low-risk by both auditing firms?

It’s nice to see a withdrawal fee implemented from the start, as well as a very modest platform fee of 4% on NCN rewards. I believe these fees better align the DAO to properly manage risks associated with the platform given the incentive alignment.

Going forward, we would suggest the DAO explores different strategies of what do to with NCN rewards accrued to the treasury given these are likely to be volatile assets in the short-medium term.

Overall, excited to begin the (Re)Staking phased rollout!

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We are in support of this proposal. Hoping a few details get clarified as things become more solidified:

How seamless will the migration of assets into the Vault Restaking Token (VRT) vaults be for users? What support will be provided if issues arise during the migration or staking processes?

Additionally, what criteria or reasoning/data does the DAO have to show when determining how and when to we adjust fees? I believe the main goal is to prevent fee mismanagement or excessive fees that deter usage.

Lastly, what specific metrics will be used to measure the success of each phase beyond TVL, if any? Are there plans to help establish industry benchmarks for (Re)staking protocols, since this is something so new?

Looking forward to seeing this vision come to life!! Cheers

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We are in favor of this proposal, as others have said, slow implementation makes sense here, especially when it comes to slashing possibilities. Our current questions are limited to the Migration/Deposit phase.

  1. Will this allow explicitly centralized assets? cbBTC is to be integrated into the Solana ecosystem soon and would likely grow fast and could become a staking component.

  2. How will the deposit vaults approach whitelisting or blacklisting assets. Since the original announcement states that all tokens can be used in restaking to NCNs, we assume that this blacklist will be dynamic and contingent on onchain token metrics, is this correct?

  3. How was the 10 bps withdrawal fee calculated for the restaking vector; while this is the same for the unwrapping fee, are there no differences in the reasoning behind the calculation and is this up for management by the DAO moving forward (assuming that the Vault Program is to be transferred to the DAO)?


not a delegate but lgtm. Never been happier to hold JitoSOL


We support this proposal as it facilitates the gradual transfer of this governance control to the Jito DAO, reinforcing decentralization while providing sustainable funding through protocol fees. This phased rollout ensures a smooth transition, allowing the DAO to assess and adjust operations as needed. We think the modest fees—10bps for withdrawals and 4% for NCN rewards— are a good sign at the start and ofc can always be adjusted.

Some questions:

  1. How seamless will the migration process be for users during the transition to Vault Restaking Token (VRT) vaults?
  2. How will the protocol fees be adjusted in the future to ensure they remain competitive? Maybe something like a quarterly review would be needed.
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We are in support of this proposal in moving a critical Jito ecosystem component under the stewardship of the Jito DAO.

The phased approach makes sense and we think the phased approach and caution to relevant due diligence and auditing makes a lot of sense.

Excited to see this move forward!

Gauntlet supports the expanded role of Jito Governance via the transfer of ownership of the Jito (Re)staking Protocol to the Jito DAO. The phased approach makes sense. Ideally, we’d like to see updated timelines on progress and completed audits once they are available. The direction of fee revenue to the Jito DAO is also a welcome addition.

As the DAO gains responsibilities, an outlined risk of the proposal is failed and inactive governance, resulting in mismanagement of fees and lacking coordination. While there is a solid base of professional delegates on Solana, it’s worth exploring how to maintain high engagement and attract further quality contributors as the Jito DAO and its scope mature.

Fee-related asset management will be an important factor. The initial NCNs are expected to pay in SOL and SOL LSTs. As third-party NCNs come online, developing a more comprehensive strategy for managing accrued fee assets such as governance and utility tokens will become a necessity. We expect this to become a larger focus in Q4/Q1 2025 and are welcome to proposals from the community.

The VRT migrations will be handled by third-party Jito (Re)staking VRT development teams, including Renzo, Fragmetric, and Kyros. These teams are individually responsible for the frontends and user support demands for their respective VRTs. Jito contributors can also assist as needed.

With regard to fees, it is difficult to model an economic system that does not yet exist, and indeed has never existed. However, this percentage was chosen with a handful of assumptions in mind.

While they are distinctly different protocols, 4% fees have not prevented the JitoSOL LST from achieving significant growth (along with other LST protocols with similar fee percentages). Additionally, Jito (Re)staking is on pace to be among the first such protocols to reach mainnet, and as such 4% won’t serve as a competitive barrier. That said, the Foundation expects to remain in close contact with NCN users and will look to propose changes as needed.

Finally, while TVL is a useful metric to the extent that it represents a base of economic security for NCN users to pull from, ultimately the success of a restaking protocol should be measured by the amount of economic value that it generates, meaning fees paid to participants from the NCN systems. While there are edge cases – hyper-inflationary NCNs that don’t secure a system of any particular value and exist solely to expand the supply of a token, for instance – the success of most use cases can be measured in the fees paid.

Benchmarking in this respect is an interesting proposal, and the Foundation will look to track this data publicly as it becomes available.

The current design allows any asset to be used as a VRT so long as there’s three-way buy-in between the NCN developers, VRT providers, and node operators. These third-party entities will be managing the allowlists for the respective NCNs, and any SPL token can be utilized if these parties agree to them (token 2022 standard support is not available initially). While it ultimately depends on the preferences of NCN developers and participants, it would not be surprising to see various forms of wrapped BTC emerge as a popular collateral type.
The logic behind the .10% fee for VRT unwrapping is similar to the JitoSOL LST fee: adding friction helps ensure that TVL will be stickier, and users may opt to swap out of their VRT positions rather than unwrap depending on slippage. In addition to providing fees to the DAO, this fee also helps maintain a base of economic security for the NCNs.
Finally, we’ve edited the proposal regarding slashing implementation as development timelines have evolved.


On Saturday, January 25th the Jito DAO Security Council initiated votes to upgrade the Vault Program as well as the Restaking Program for Jito (Re)staking. These upgrades follow a Certora audit, the results of which can be found here.

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