I staked my SOL, but now that I need it back I can't!

I staked my SOL just to try out this site, figure out how it works. I now (for unforeseen reasons) desperately need my SOL back! I tried to unstake, but in my Phantom wallet it still claims that it’s ‘deactivating’ it’s been 2 whole days now and I still haven’t got my SOL back! Any ideas why? It’s quite urgent as I need it back asap. I can’t find any customer support and feel completely stranded. Bit of a nightmare to be honest. If it takes this long to unstake, it should be very clear before someone stakes how long and arduous it is to get your SOL back! If I knew I would never have staked it in the first place. Any help would be massively appreciated! Thank you. Mik

You normally get your Sol back at the end of the epoch (maximum 54 hours). Provided you had enough sol in the wallet for transaction fees, then I’d imagine the Sol is available now?

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Hi Josh,

Yes all good, I got it back, but I wish I knew how long it would take before I staked it.

It was a bit stressful as I felt I was left in the dark…

Anyhow, sorted.

Happy New Year
