Don't stake to validators in superminority

Stake is centralizing on Solana and the superminority is now mostly companies that add little to no value to the ecosystem. But even if the entities in the superminority are Solana aligned teams, there’s no need for Stakenet to allocate already scarce resources to validators in the superminority.

So I propose that the stakenet program be altered to ensure that validators in the superminority receive no stake. I’m willing to write out a full proposal. I just wanted to write the idea first and get feedback.

Also note that I’m willing to personally write the code on Stakenet to implement this functionality.


I already requested a feature to make this a trivial change.
You can find it here: Feature: Track Superminority · Issue #78 · jito-foundation/stakenet · GitHub

Not sure what you are referring to. JitoSOL delegation already prevents delegates from being in the superminority. See parameters here:

yeah @brian_smith. buffalu just explained what happened to me. I found Everstake and Figment as validators in the pool. Helius and Jupiter too; that’s what inspired my post. Turns out for Everstake and Figment it’s because they staked to JitoSOL. It’ll take a few days to change the distribution.

I’ll delete this now.

Edit: Flagged for moderation

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