1. JIP 1: Expanding Validator Set; Protocol Development
2. Abstract
The Jito Foundation is proposing expanding the Jito Stake Pool validator set to 200 as well as capping the maximum permissible validator commission for Stake Pool participants at 5%.
3. Motivation
In October 2023, the Jito Network began leveraging a transparent, algorithmic process for selecting validators to participate in the Jito Stake Pool validator set. This change enabled validators to measure their status against other validators in order to know how to improve their chances of receiving Stake Pool delegation, and was the first step towards the forthcoming launch of StakeNet, which will enable Jito governance to monitor and adjust the Stake Pool inclusion parameters in a more fully decentralized manner.
Since then, activity on Solana has skyrocketed and JitoSOL TVL has likewise more than doubled to a total of 8.3m TVL as of today. Additionally, since Jan 1st, the Jito Network’s TVL has grown 23% in SOL terms despite the absence of a points incentive program.
The number of high-quality, high-performing validators has likewise increased. When the Jito Network expanded the validator set in October, it was unclear if there were 100 validators who would be capable of meeting the requirements; now, there are far more high-performant validators for the algorithm to choose from. See this spreadsheet that tracks the eligible JitoSOL validators and the increase in quality of candidates since epoch 480.
Additionally, certain large stakers are considering expanding their amount allocated to stake pools, but only if their stake can be sent to a larger and more decentralized validator set. In order to accommodate the growing allocation, the stake pool must further decentralize.
Given the expansion of the Jito Network’s TVL, the growth in the number of quality validators, and interest from large staking parties, now is an ideal time to expand the validator set and lower validator commissions.
4. Key Terms
Stake Pool Validator Set: The group of validators responsible for receiving delegation from the Jito Network and maintaining the quality and returns of the underlying liquid staking token.
Liquid staking token: A liquid staking token is a type of cryptocurrency token that represents a stake in a blockchain network but, unlike traditional staking methods, allows the staker to retain liquidity.
Validator Commission: The current validator commission cap is 10%, and the average fee for Stake Pool participants is currently 1.54%.
Churn: In the context of the Jito validator set, churn refers to the process of replacing poorly performing validators with new or better-performing ones over time. It is a dynamic process that ensures the network remains secure, efficient, and decentralized by continually optimizing the validator set.
5. Specification
The Jito Foundation is proposing two changes to the algorithm for determining Stake Pool delegation. These changes would be executed by the Jito Labs team immediately following passing the governance process.
First, the Jito Foundation is proposing to expand the number of eligible validators to receive delegation to 200. Additionally, we are proposing imposing a cap on validator commission at 5%, a decrease from the current 10% that better reflects current competitive dynamics.
The Foundation believes that these two metrics – the number of eligible validators and the validator commission cap – are innately linked and should be addressed in the same JIP. Because more validators will be entering the Stake Pool, the average commission may rise as well, as tail-end validators tend to have higher commission rates. This new cap allows tail-end validators to maintain higher commission rates while still being included in the pool, without raising them so high as to potentially impact the performance of JitoSOL.
Additionally, the commission cap also acts as a guardrail to ensure performance doesn’t suffer if there are changes to the potential validator set during the process of churn. Without it, if some validators became ineligible for various reasons, the pool would be forced to delegate to the top 200 validators even if they had commissions at 8% or much higher. This could have a significant impact on JitoSOL yield and potentially TVL.
This proposal does not impact any other delegation parameters, including superminority exclusion, the MEV commission cap of 10%, running the Jito-Solana client, vote credit averages, performance weighting, or the rebalancing formula. Users can read more about current Jito delegation parameters here.
6. Benefits/Risks
When considering all members of the Jito community, in the short term this proposal most benefits both retail and institutional JitoSOL stakers because it has the potential to increase both decentralization and validator diversification.
Meanwhile, this proposal may decrease the amount of stake validators receive in the short term. However, it significantly increases the decentralization of the validator set and sets the backdrop for further growth of the protocol – an effect that will ultimately lift all boats and benefit all validators on an intermediate-to-long time horizon.
We anticipate that the proposal will lower the average stake validators are currently receiving. At current, >20% protocol growth rates, top-performing validators will reclaim their pre-expansion allocation in SOL terms in under a year.
We also believe this proposal benefits smaller validators, in that they will have a stronger chance of entering the Stake Pool.
Ultimately, over time we believe that this proposal benefits all members of the Jito community.
7. Outcomes
As of today, there are effectively 126 validators receiving significant allocation from the Jito Stake Pool. The October 2023 proposal targeted a validator set of 100, but due to churn – less performant validators being cycled out and new entrants coming in, a phased process that takes place over two or more epochs – the amount of validators receiving delegation often exceeds that target.
Based on churn, the proposed expanded delegation strategy will not always align with the targeted 200 validators, but with steady validator performance will drift towards this targeted number of validators over time, ultimately increasing the number of validators in the Stake Pool set to above 200 validators.
Meanwhile, the maximum current allowable validator commission rate is currently 10%. However, among the top 200 no validator exceeds 5%, and among the top 100 rarely does it exceed 4%. To match this new competitive dynamic, the proposed 5% cap will only have effect on the tail-end of validators in the Stake Pool set.
8. Cost Summary
This proposal will incur no cost to the DAO.